MICEX Index was launched on September 22, 1997 at base value 100. The MICEX Index is calculated in real time and denominated by Moscow Exchange in Russian rubles.
The indices include the benchmark MICEX Index and RTS Index, which comprise the 50 most liquid stocks from Russia's largest issuers;
- the Blue Chip Index, comprising the 15 most capitalized Russian companies;
- the Second Tier Index, comprising the top 50 stocks not included in the benchmark indices; and
- the Broad Market Index, which combines the constituents of the benchmark and second tier indices. The constituents of the Broad Market Index are also divided into sectoral indices.
Moscow Exchange's indices are calculated in RUB and USD.
Moscow Exchange also calculates several thematic indices that are not included in the main index family; these are the MICEX10 Blue Chip Index, the MICEX Innovation Index, and the Regional Indices
- 匯率: 1 USD$ : 1 RUSSIAN RUBLE=1: 65
- 俄羅斯股市, 相關指數一覽 : http://moex.com/en/indices
- 2015 全球經濟很蕭條, 我查一下俄羅斯今年的股市及類股表現
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