- http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/KOSDAQ:IND
- The KOSDAQ Index is a capitalization-weighted index that measures the performance of the KOSDAQ market. The index was developed with a base value of 100 as of July 1, 1996. The base value changed to 1000 as of Jan. 26, 2004. Note: The preferred shares are excluded in calculating KOSDAQ index from June 26, 2000.
- https://eng.krx.co.kr/m1/m1_4/m1_4_3/m1_4_3_9/UHPENG01004_03_09_01.html
- The KOSDAQ premier index is the Investable Index that represents the KOSDAQ market
and is made up of 100 constituents selected by considering the market representability. liquidity. financial and management quality. and other factors. The KOSDAQ Premier Index has been calculated and published since December 01, 2009 with base value of 1,000p as of January 02. 2009
- http://estock.koscom.co.kr/kosdaq_sise/kosdaq_upjisu.jsp