
Good to read: Globalisation's retreat?

  • http://www.economist.com/blogs/buttonwood/2015/06/world-economy?fsrc=scn/tw/te/bl/ed/Globalisation'sretreat


it reflects a change in the composition of global trade towards products that have a lower elasticity. 

(這些貿易的品項, 彈性不高, "彈性", 就是 價格,數量, 數量少了 價格也沒提升上來,所以 貿易成長就緩慢囉)

Another is that the slowdown simply reflects the end of the integration processes of China and central/eastern Europe – i.e. the high trade growth was largely a transitional phenomenon. 

A third is that it reflects the limits having been reached on the ability of (incentives for) firms to engage in the international fragmentation of production that is part and parcel of GVCs. 

A fourth potential explanation is a rise in government support for domestic industries, reducing the incentives for firms and households to buy goods and services from foreign suppliers.


