
Good to read: 4 Things You Should Know About Platforms

  • http://goo.gl/N4Da6D
  • the best resources and capabilities always lie somewhere else
  • Platforms Access Ecosystems
  • Yet today, our most important resources are often not the ones that reside within our organization, but those that we access from outside.  These, however, do not fit neatly into linear supply chains, but form ecosystems, which are essentially networks of networks. Platforms are how we access those ecosystems.
  • platforms—Xero in accounting, Kareo in healthcare, Tidemark in ERP software, Elance in recruiting, Wink in smart homes
  • Bitcoin, which uses a technology called blockchains to create a platform to facilitate transactions, far more efficiently and securely than traditional financial institutions can. 
  •  we need to change how we think about how we build a business and compete Rather than driving efficiencies through value chains in order to gain competitive advantage, now we must manage networks of connections.  Power no longer resides at the top of the heap, but at the center of the network; that is in platforms. (這觀念真好)

